Tags: estimated number of pages for scanning, horizontal filing cabinets, drawings, binders, bond paper, standard document box

Estimating the Number of Pages for Scanning

These are the general averages of page counts for various storage mechanisms. We hope this will give you an idea of your paper inventory.

Please note that these are averages and not exact counts.

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Horizontal Filing Cabinets

5,500 to 6,000 Pages /Drawer

Vertical Filing Cabinets

2,000 to 2,500 Pages/Drawer

Standard Document Box

2,000 to 2,500 Pages/Box

* If your files are currently loose or in folder it is always a good idea to store them in boxes.  It helps maintain paper inventory and protects the paper.

Bond Paper (1 Ream)

500 Pages


3” – 650 to 680 Pages / Binder

2” – 430 to 480 Pages / Binder

1” – 250 to 260 Pages / Binder


120 Pages or Sheets / Inch

1 Foot of Loose Paper

1,440 to 1,600 Pages

Archive One is a document management system designed to help companies easily classify, store, secure, and retrieve essential company documents that are needed for retention and audits. With the help of our partners, we provide an end-to-end document management solution from scanning to document storage, at a highly competitive price.

Achieve documentation compliance with Archive One! Book a 1:1 appointment now.